Saturday, June 27, 2015

NC vs Provi (Commanders)

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online. In this podcast we go right to the source of the current Providence conflict, with Lead FC's of the campaign on both sides. They discuss the conflict, exchange critiques of one another, and project on the future of the region when FozzieSov and The Imperium arrive.

Guest: corebloodbrothers - The Volition Cult, Provi Bloc Lead FC, CSM
Guest: FUUUFA Burning Napalm, Northern Coalition. FC
EN24 Writer: Matterall - Destructive Influence, Northern Coalition. and Signal Cartel

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Fleet Warp

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online. In this podcast we talk about the Fleet warp changes and some related Fozzie Sov issues.  Podcast has been updated.

Writer: Hona Chaginai - Dreddit [B0RT], Test Alliance Please Ignore
Writer: Tiberius Stargazer - Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Writer: Aon Flux, Volition Cult, Providence Bloc
Writer: Matterall - Signal Cartel


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

EVE Backstory Primer

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.
EN24’s podcast releases their 13th podcast. Starting from a blank slate and the we walk through the EVE backstory with guest Phyridean from Hydrostatic Podcast. As the lore segment specialist for Hydrostatic, Phyridean has amassed a following of players that tune-in to hear his explanations of EVE's backstory (aka lore). He's also been a participant in the Lore Panels that Hydrostatic hosts every few months.
  • How is the story in EVE different than in other games?
  • How do you seek it out?
  • What are the bullet points of the past?
  • What is happening all around us now?
For those that want to get caught up, this podcast is a good place to start. For players of any level, understanding the science fiction built on EVE is the icing on the EVE cake.

  • Guest: Phyridean – Aideron Robotics, Gallente Faction War (Lore Researcher)
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, NC.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Carnyx Review

EVE Online News: Patch Notes for Carnyx Release on June 2nd.

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in Eve: Online. In this podcast we talk about the new things coming on June 2 with Carnyx. The full patch notes can be found here:

Writer: Hona Chaginai- Dreddit [B0RT], Test Alliance Please Ignore
Writer: Tiberius Stargazer- Thrall Nation [.THN.], Brave Collective, Hero Coalition
Writer: PsychicMuffin- Iron Guard Acadamey [LG.A], Iron Armada