Wednesday, October 7, 2015

EN24 Podcast, ep.25 – Capital Ships

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode. In this episode we review the history, symbolism and future of Capital ships: Titans and Super Carriers (formerly known as Mother ships). We also catch up with Iron Armada after their evacuation from null-sec, and the departure of two corporations from NCdot to form their own alliance.

CCP Quant publishes Supers kill death frequency:

We also produced a new opening. Enjoy!

Tridgit - CEO and leader of Iron Armada
Dracos Rhaghar – IG.Academy, Iron Armada
Solon101 - Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]

Saturday, October 3, 2015

EVE’s Roadmap Review

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode. In this episode we review the recent announcement from CCP Seagull: "EVE ONLINE ROADMAP UPDATE (WINTER 2015-SPRING 2016)."Our guests from different sectors of EVE chime in to give us their views on the road ahead. The highlight of the show is Mike Azariah's reading of "The Crimson Harvest," it must not be missed.

CCP wants YOU to discuss T3Ds!

Guest: Mike Azariah, CSM member and founder Operation Magic Schoolbus
Guest: Jushin Dragon - Tinfoil Factory Podcast
Guest: Phyridean, Hydrostatic Podcast
Tiberius Stargazer - Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]

Sunday, September 27, 2015

EOC.TV on Streaming and Sexism

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode. We talk with founder of EVE Online Community Television (EOC TV), the brand new video and streaming website. After an introduction tot he project we get into the nature of sharing videos, streaming stardom and probe for the core of EVE's infamous anti-female vibe.  Site is active (launched 9/23/2015)

James, Founder of EOC TV
Tiberius Stargazer - Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]

Friday, September 11, 2015

Nulli Secunda

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode. This time we cover Sov Iterations and strategies from the front lines. There's a quick review of Imperium's campaign in Providence, and we cover Nulli Secunda's legacy. This episode one ends with a special surprise for Solon, captured while he was recording.

Solon101 - Nex Exercitus [NEXE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Tridgit - CEO and leader of Iron Armada
Tiberius Stargazer - Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]

Monday, September 7, 2015

Anniversary, Episodes 1-20 Review

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode, 20. Normally we cover the news, sticking to what is in the game, but this episode is very different. We cover the previous podcasts, catching listeners up to where we are now.

Originally, the podcast was to last only 20 episodes or one year, whichever came first, so this is the accomplishment of that goal and a small celebration of it. Where it goes from here depends on the staff at EN24 and the audience.

1. A look back at the very beginning - Episode 1 Intro
2. Highlights - Trying to find the right format
3. Highlights - Guests and analysis
4. Highlights - EVE Politics
5. Highlights - Funny moments
6. Ex-leaders of Brave apologize to each other
7. Conclusion - A short discussion with the original crew. Our start, what podcasts we like, and how owning Titans lets you down.

Guest: Solon101 - Nex Exercitus [NEXE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Writer:  Hona Chaginai - Dreddit [B0RT], Test Alliance Please Ignore
Writer/Editor: Tiberius Stargazer - Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]

Alternative Music: MG - Europa Hymn

Friday, August 28, 2015

EVE’s Travel Guide, Mark726

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode. This time we talk to historian and journalist Mark726 from 

For many years, Mark has explored and traveled through New Eden and written about it, covering the landmarks (in space), their history, and directions to get there. Citing both player and game backstory (lore), his work has helped thousands explore the cluster.

Guest: Mark726Project Compass Holdings
Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, Northern Coalition

Saturday, August 15, 2015

New Player Feedback

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode. This time we talk to some new players who give us their perspectives on their struggles and successes.

Guest: Sharkut Tag'heul - Red Federation, RvB (3 days old)
Guest: Kiki JiJi– Red Federation, RvB (returning after 2 year break)
Guest: Dracos Rhaghar – IG.Academy, Iron Armada (4 months old)
Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, Northern Coalition

Intro Music: Duran Duran - "The Chauffeur"

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Iron Armada on Aegis Sov

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode. This time we talk to PVPers on the ground in null-sec space: Iron Armada. They have been actively defending their space with the new capturing and defending mechanics. We'll hear how the mechanics are working out so far.

Guest: Tridgit - CEO and leader of Iron Armada
Guest: Muffin – IG.Academy, Iron Armada
Guest: Dracos Rhaghar – IG.Academy, Iron Armada
Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, Northern Coalition

Thursday, July 16, 2015

CCP Fozzie Q&A

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode (Part II of II). This time we have our second conversation with Game Designer CCP Fozzie on Day 1 of the new sov system.

Fozzie answers questions from EN24 writers on the new sov system,"WHGate", the CSM and Industry.

Guest: CCP Fozzie
Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, Northern Coalition

Alternative Music Day - All songs by Depeche Mode
Black Celebration, Black Celebration (remixed)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

CCP Fozzie on Aegis Sov

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.

EN24’s podcast releases another episode (Part I of II). This time we have our second conversation with Game Designer CCP Fozzie on Day 1 of the new sov system. Fozzie walks us through the old sov systems as well as the new; Aegis Sov. Other topics include; recent anomaly adjustments for null-sec, wormhole frequency changes, EVE's perceived population slump  in null-sec, and some changes to come.

More topics on Part II of the interview

Guest: CCP Fozzie
Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, Northern Coalition

Alternative Music Day - All songs by Depeche Mode
Black Celebration, Surrender, Blue Dress, John the Revelator (end)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

NC vs Provi (Commanders)

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online. In this podcast we go right to the source of the current Providence conflict, with Lead FC's of the campaign on both sides. They discuss the conflict, exchange critiques of one another, and project on the future of the region when FozzieSov and The Imperium arrive.

Guest: corebloodbrothers - The Volition Cult, Provi Bloc Lead FC, CSM
Guest: FUUUFA Burning Napalm, Northern Coalition. FC
EN24 Writer: Matterall - Destructive Influence, Northern Coalition. and Signal Cartel

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Fleet Warp

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online. In this podcast we talk about the Fleet warp changes and some related Fozzie Sov issues.  Podcast has been updated.

Writer: Hona Chaginai - Dreddit [B0RT], Test Alliance Please Ignore
Writer: Tiberius Stargazer - Destructive Influence [DICE], Northern Coalition. [NC.]
Writer: Aon Flux, Volition Cult, Providence Bloc
Writer: Matterall - Signal Cartel


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

EVE Backstory Primer

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.
EN24’s podcast releases their 13th podcast. Starting from a blank slate and the we walk through the EVE backstory with guest Phyridean from Hydrostatic Podcast. As the lore segment specialist for Hydrostatic, Phyridean has amassed a following of players that tune-in to hear his explanations of EVE's backstory (aka lore). He's also been a participant in the Lore Panels that Hydrostatic hosts every few months.
  • How is the story in EVE different than in other games?
  • How do you seek it out?
  • What are the bullet points of the past?
  • What is happening all around us now?
For those that want to get caught up, this podcast is a good place to start. For players of any level, understanding the science fiction built on EVE is the icing on the EVE cake.

  • Guest: Phyridean – Aideron Robotics, Gallente Faction War (Lore Researcher)
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, NC.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Carnyx Review

EVE Online News: Patch Notes for Carnyx Release on June 2nd.

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in Eve: Online. In this podcast we talk about the new things coming on June 2 with Carnyx. The full patch notes can be found here:

Writer: Hona Chaginai- Dreddit [B0RT], Test Alliance Please Ignore
Writer: Tiberius Stargazer- Thrall Nation [.THN.], Brave Collective, Hero Coalition
Writer: PsychicMuffin- Iron Guard Acadamey [LG.A], Iron Armada

Thursday, May 28, 2015

CCP Ytterbium, CCP Nullarbor on New Structures

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.
EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their 11th podcast. This episode is a conversation with Game Senior Designer CCP Ytterbium and Senior Engineer CCP Nullarbor. They lead the team constructing the revolutionary changes to structure mechanics in EVE Online.

The guests discuss their past work on Crius (industry overhaul, and their current work on a massive rewriting of mechanics that govern structures. We also checked in on progress with capital ships. A thorough discussion from beginning to end (with a few drop outs - sorry about those.)

No Q&A this time around.

Reference developer blogs:

  • Guest: CCP Ytterbium, Senior Game Designer
  • Guest: CCP Nullarbor, Senior Software Engineer
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp, NC.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fountain and Providence Wars

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE: Online. In this podcast we talk about the fights raging in Fountain between HERO Coalition and Black Legion [MEN.], Provibloc expanding its border’s before the coming Imperium invasion and what changes we think Fozziesov will bring.

Writer/Editor: Salivan Hardin- Reikoku [RKK], Pandemic Legion
Writer: Hona Chaginai- Dreddit [B0RT], Test Alliance Please Ignore
Writer: Tiberius Stargazer- Thrall Nation [.THN.], Brave Collective, Hero Coalition

Monday, May 11, 2015

CCP Fozzie on New Sov

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.
EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their ninth podcast. This episode is a conversation with Game Designer CCP Fozzie. Fozzie discusses everything from Alliance Tournament to sov mechanics to hockey. Listen in for the latest on the state of EVE online and a Q & A session with questions submitted from EN24 staff and EVE London Meetup (Tiberius Stargazer correspondent).

Habla EVE Online Podcast

  • Guest: CCP Fozzie
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence Corp
Additional guests:
  • Guest: Solon101, Nex Exercitus, Northern Coalition.  
  • Guest: Diego McDestroyers, Hispanic Enterprises Corp, Circle-Of-Two, Imperium Coalition

Monday, April 27, 2015

Drifters, Entosis and Lore

EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online.
EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their eigth podcast. EN24 writers and guests examine the recent uptick in Drifter activity, and explore some of back-story involved in recent events. Guests from the highly acclaimed Hydrostatic podcast help guide listeners through the twists and turns ahead.

  • Guest: Ashterothi – The Order of Thelemic Ascension, Novus Dominatum (Lore Panel Host)
  • Guest: Phyridean – Aideron Robotics, Gallente Faction War (Lore Researcher)
  • Writer: Phantra – Sniggerdly, Pandemic Legion
  • Writer: Tiberius Stargazer - Thrall Nation, Brave Collective, Hero Coalition 
  • Writer: Peach Tea – Imperium (CFC)
  • Writer: Psychicmuffin - Iron.Guard Corporation, Independent
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel and Destructive Influence, NC

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Brave Coup, Legacy

EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their seventh podcast. EN24 writers and guests examine Brave and offshoots KarmaFleet and Pandemic Horde. The impact of Brave on the meta and the differences between the three.  Also some coverage of the Brave leadership coup as seen from former members and current leader Lychton Kondur.


  • Guest: Lychton Kondur – Brave Newbies Inc., Brave Collective, Hero Coalition, CEO Executor
  • Guest: Markonius Porkbutte – KarmaFleet, Goonswarm Federation, CEO
  • Guest: Travis Keikira – Pandemic Horde Inc., Pandemic Horde, CEO Executor
  • Guest: Cyberking11 – ElitistOps, Pandemic Legion
  • Writer: Phantra – Sniggerdly, Pandemic Legion
  • Writer: Tiberius Stargazer - Thrall Nation, Brave Collective, Hero Coalition
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Signal Cartel

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Brave Evacuation

EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their sixth podcast. EN24 writers and guests examine the fallout from the conflict in Catch Region, especially on Brave Collective, in this special 60 minute edition of the podcast.


  • Guest: DNSBlack – Dirt Nap Squad Corporation, Dirt Nap Squad., CEO
  • Guest: Lorilath – Nerd Panic Corporation, Brave Collective, Diplomat
  • Writer: Phantra – Sniggerdly Corporation, Pandemic Legion
  • Writer: Flatterpillo – Diplomatic Immunity Corporation
  • Writer: Hona Chaginai – Dreddit, Test Alliance Please Ignore
  • Writer: A1izee - Vipres' Corporation, Templis CALSF, Caldari Militia
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall – Destructive Influence, NC.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Brave vs Pandemic Legion

EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their fifth podcast. EN24 writers examine the the conflict in Catch Region, in this special 90 minute edition of the podcast.

  • Writer: Tiberius Stargazer - Nerd Panic Corporation, Brave Collective, Hero Coalition
  • Writer: Phantra - Sniggerdly Corporation, Pandemic Legion
  • Writer: Flatterpillo - Diplomatic Immunity Corporation
  • Writer/Editor: Matterall - Destructive Influence, NC., N3 Coalition
  • Guest: DNSBlack - Dirt Nap Squad Corporation, Dirt Nap Squad.
  • Guest: Jeff Raider - Sniggerdly Corporation, Pandemic Legion
  • Guest: Solon101 - Nex Exercitus Corporation, NC., N3 Coalition

    EVENEWS24 Podcast, ep 5: Newsroom Edition on Catch Region

    Monday, March 16, 2015

    Fanfest and New Sov

    EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their fourth podcast. EN24 writers examine the Sovereignty Changes, in this special edition hour long discussion.
    • Writer: Tiberius Stargazer from Nerd Panic Corporation, Brave Collective, Hero Coalition
    • Writer/Editor: Mail Lite - Higher Than Everest Corp, Black Legion
    • CEO/Editor-in-chief: Bobmon - Habitual Euthanasia Corp, Pandemic Legion
    • Writer/Editor: Matterall - Destructive Influence, NC., N3 Coalition

    EVENEWS24 Podcast, ep 4: Newsroom Edition

    0:00Newsroom Edition
    1:20Introductions - Tiberius going to Fan Fest, awaiting Brave Newbie Council campaign results
    3:00Mail Lite - "Daddy" interrupted
    3:20Bobmon - Going to FanFest, awaiting CSM campaign results
    4:00Mail Lite - On a low-sec holiday
    5:10Honorable Pirates
    7:10Rixx Javix, example of good pirate
    7:35New idea for a corp
    8:00Matterall - Joined DICE, the good side of top tier corps
    8:40Lady Scarlet
    9:05New Sov Mechanics
    10:15Goals of Sov Changes - Tiberius
    10:45   1. Fights are fun
    11:05   2. Clear up the process, understanding
    11:35   3. Eliminate Blobbing
    12:05   4. Reduce effort to take empty space
    12:50   5. Occupancy leads to defensive bonuses
    13:30   6. Spread fights out
    12:40   7. System should be adaptable
    15:00Revenant event - server load issues
    15:30Stoned players in warp tunnels
    15:45Servers can't keep up with population growth
    16:30Mechanics - Matterall
    16:45   No more shooting structures
    17:00   Independent structures
    17:05   Prime time
    17:20   Capture events
    18:10   Freeport Stations
    18:40The comedy of Freeports
    19:20   Small gangs targeting Freeports
    20:15   Occupancy Defenses
    21:10Entosis Link
    21:30Putting it all together - Mail Lite
    21:40Walk-through typical Sov event
    23:00Updates since announcemnts - Matterall
    23:30CCP Fozzie on "EVE Down Under Interview"
    23:40 CCP Fozzie "Dev post on EVE forums"
    23:50   Military control is key
    24:15   Ship docrine variety
    25:25   Entosis links should be simple and understandable
    24:40Overall Goals - lower barriers of entry
    26:00Discussion on Community Reaction
    27:30Harassment system
    28:45Sov Mindset changes - smaller empires?
    31:30Attackers and Defenders. advantages
    32:00New Structures. fortifications?
    33:45Defender Burnout
    35:00Downtime as a strategy
    35:40Primetime window
    37:40Alliances won't attack anymore
    38:40Without economic incentives, wars stopped
    39:00The big wars of old
    40:00Discussion of Sov Value
    41:50Owning is it's own reward
    42:30Supercapital and big production
    43:20Discussion on Supercapitals
    44:45The real problem with supers today
    48:45Capitals not risked = null-sec is stuck
    49:00Supers as true fleet carriers
    51:30Discussion on "No Local"
    53:00Wormhole vs Null-sec play style
    54:00Structures as intelligence devices
    55:50Discussion on "No Fleet Warp"
    58:00Reform on leader command
    58:30Going to FanFest - Bobmon and Tiberius
    59:30Tiberius - First FanFest
    1:01:00Special FanFest Beer
    1:01:50Pub Crawl flags no more
    1:02:50Star Trek Story
    1:03:00Matterall is not the famous movie star, Henry Cavill
    1:03:30Star Trek vs EVE parties (A Tale of Two Parties)
    1:04:00Meeting EVE players
    1:04:20"How many PL shirts have you got Bob?"
    1:04:50600 Billion Heist story hits RL press [link to article]
    1:06:00EN24 broke the story
    1:06:3050,000 hits and sourced by other sites
    1:08:30Good sources: Non Erata and Ladygrey
    1:09:45Thanks and sign-off
    1:10:30Rhea Expansion Theme

    Wednesday, February 11, 2015

    Wormholes and Low-Sec

    EVE Online News from EN24’s podcast releases their third episode. The podcast begins with a look at the headlines and market report. Then EN24 writers examine the top stories in the "newsroom", and caps it all off with an interview with Kira Tsukimoto from Brave Newbies on the occasion of their two-year anniversary.

    Guest: Amymuffmuff of Lead Editor for EN24

    EN24 podcast features a brief market report by "Prosper Market" relating EVE economic highlights for the week. Catch the full broadcast "EVE-Prosper" live every Friday at 03:00 EVE time on twitch - hlibindustry channel. Past broadcasts can also be found there, or on youtube, at the EVE-Prosper channel.

    EVENEWS24 Podcast, episode 3

    00:00Welcome to Episode #3 "Connecting"
    00:20Headlines - Announcements, News and Politics
    01:00CCP In development: [video]
    04:15Market Report  - from "Prosper-Market Show" with Lockefox
    06:45Newsroom - with EN24 Writers
    07:15Introductions - Matterall,Tiberius and guest Amymuffmuff, EN24 Editor
    08:10Wormholes- come into their own
    09:00Wormholes have expanded reach, more frequent
    11:30Huge fights in wormholes - NoHo vs Arctic LIGHT “not lite”
    12:20Carriers are supers of wormholes
    13:00"I did 27 cycles of triage and then got doomsdayed"
    13:45Wormhole evictions, hundreds of billions
    15:45Jovians or a new threat, "Drifters"
    18:20New space = new enemy
    19:00Battleship energy weapon - "spear of light"
    20:00Imperial lore, then wormhole lore
    22:30DUST and EVE link
    23:00Intro video for DUST 514 [video]
    24:00CCP original concept
    25:30Tiberius is a DUST alt, played DUST first
    26:30Faction Warfare link
    29:00Lowsec - is it dead?
    30:50Capital building in low sec still viable
    31:30Capital killed this year, numbers way up
    32:00Arton, Domain Region - deadly system
    32:30Phoebe effects felt
    33:00Interview - with Kira Tsukimoto, Brave Collective Diplomat
    34:00What is Brave, history
    35:25Brave culture, "Stay Classy"
    36:10Brave turns 2 - celebrations
    37:00"Brave Games"
    40:00Tour of former Brave home systems
    41:00New recruits after "This is EVE" trailer [video]
    42:30Training grounds
    44:00Veteran players
    44:30“Fuck! Sorry for swearing, Shit! OMG!”
    46:30"Tyranny of killboard", no pressure
    47:00Brave Wars as HERO collective
    49:30How did you join EVE?
    52:00EVE Down Under
    53:00Stepping up
    54:00Becoming a useful part of the game
    54:20"shiney, shiney, shiney and squealing"
    53:30“See you next time” - This is EVE (remastered)